BIOS, CMOS, UEFI – What’s the difference? bunthai | January 14, 2018 | Accessories | No Comments what is the BIOS CMOS and UEFI so that’swhat we’re going to talk about in thisvideonow BIOS stands for basic input/outputsystem the BIOS is firmware that’s builtinto the motherboard that initializesthe computer’s hardware as the computeris being booted and then after itinitializes the hardware it thensearches for a boot device such as anoptical drive or a storage drive to bootsoftware such as an operating systemso from the start when you first turn onthe computer the computer does what’scalled a power-on self-test or postwhich is run by the bios it tests thecomputer to make sure all therequirements are met and if the hardwareis working correctly before starting theoperating system if the computer passesthe testthe internal speaker will make a shortsingle beep which indicates that thecomputer has passed the test and isbooting up normally however if there areno beeps or multiple beeps then thatmeans that the computer has failed thetest and something is wrong and thecomputer needs further troubleshootingto find out what the problem is sowhether there are no beeps or multiplebeeps the computer will generate a beepcode to help you pinpoint the problem sofor example if the computer generatesthree long beeps then that couldindicate a keyboard error or if thecomputer generates a continuous shortbeep then that could indicate a problemwith a RAM module so whatever BIOS isinstalled on the computer’s motherboardyou can always refer to themanufacturers documentation to find alist of beep codes and what they mean soyou can pinpoint the problem and correctit the BIOS software is stored on theBIOS chip on the motherboard the BIOSchip is non-volatile which means thatthe contents of a chip are retained evenafter the power is turned off but evenafter the computer is turned off thecomputer does need to maintain certainsettings such as the date and time theboot sequence and certain hardwaresettings in other words the customsettings that you have configured in theBIOS and these settings are stored onthe motherboard in a special chip calleda CMOS chip but unlike the BIOS chipwhich is non-volatile the CMOS chip isvolatile meaning that it needs constantpower to maintain its contents orsettings so in order for the CMOS tomaintain its settings while the computeris turned offit uses a battery and this battery iscalled the CMOS battery the CMOS batteryis a small button cell battery which canbe seen on the surface of themotherboard and it’s usually located onthe bottom right hand corner and it’sbasically the same type of battery thatis typically used in wristwatches now asI stated before the CMOS needs constantpower that is supplied by the batterybut if the battery is removed and thenreattached the BIOS will reset back toits default settings from themanufacturer and erase any customsettings that you have configured now alot of people get confused about what’sthe difference between the BIOS and CMOSand these terms are often used to referto the same thing but they are differentso just to clarify things the BIOS isthe actual firmware or program thatcomes with your motherboard and thatfirmware is stored in the BIOS chip butthe settings that you actually make tothe BIOS such as a date and time theboot sequence fan speeds and things likethat those settings are retained in theCMOS chip now the CMOS chip is notnecessarily its own chip on modernmotherboards it’s been integrated withthe real-time clock that’s part of theSouthbridge chipsetnow a new type of BIOS is called UEFIUEFI stands for unified extensiblefirmware interface now most if not allnew motherboards are shipped with thisnewer type of BIOS UEFI has severaladvantages over the old BIOS and thefirst and most obvious just by lookingat it is that it has a user-friendlygraphical user interface that supportsdifferent colors and even animationswhereas the old BIOS has your typicalblue screen that resembles the windowsblue screen of death UEFI can alsorecognize larger storage drives and youcan even use a mouse in the UEFIinterface where as compared to the oldBIOS where mouse support wasn’t evenavailable and you had to use yourkeyboard only and UEFI also has abuilt-in feature called secure boot andsecure boot stops any digitally unsigneddrivers from loading and it also helpsto stop malicious software such asrootkitsShare and like: